
We’ve been quiet. We know.

Maybe it’s because we’ve been out growing beards, chopping wood, running through snow banks and ice cold rivers, lifting rocks, and speed climbing majestic snowy mountain peaks. (Actual footage!) Or maybe it just feels that way.

But to speak plainly, we’ve been heads down in one of the world’s largest and fastest retail in-store RFID projects. Yes us. The little guys. The underdog. Volumes of data, millions of EPCs, multiple brands, hundreds of stores already live and thousands more in the queue, culminating in the ultimate opportunity to performance tune our elastic cloud platform. The results are amazing, showing we can walk the walk after talking the talk.

In just over a month, you’ll get the chance to hear this story live at RetailX. A story of collaboration, of dedication, of efficiency, of hiccups and resolutions, and ultimately, a story of partnership and success. We are very grateful and proud to be a part of this.

The RIoT is building.